PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus of Economics
Economics (Subject
Code - 07)
1. The Framework of an economy; National Income
Accounting. ,
2. Economic choice; Consumer behaviour-producer
behaviour and market forms.
3. Investment
decisions and determination of income and employment. Microeconomic models of
income, distribution and growth.
4. Banking, Objective
and instruments of Central Banking and Credit Policies in
Planned developing economy.
5. Types of
taxes and their impacts on the economy, the impacts of the size and
content of budgets, objectives and Instruments of
budgetary and fiscal policy in a
planned developing economy.
6. International
Trade Tariffs, The rate of exchange, The balance of Payments,
International Monetary and Banking Institutions.
1. The Indian Economy : Guiding Principles of Indian
Economic Policy - Planned
Growth and distributive justice - Eradication of
poverty, The Institutional frame
work of the Indian Economy-Federal Governmental
structure-Agricultural and
Industrial sectors, public and private sectors, National
Income-its sector and
regional distribution, Extent and incidence of
2. Agricultural Production : Agricultural Policy, Land
reforms, Technological,
Relationship with the Industrial Sector, with special
reference to Karnataka.
3. Industrial Production : Industrial Policy, public
and private sectors, Regional
distribution, control of monopolies and monopolistic
practices with special reference
to Karnataka.
4. Pricing Policies for agricultural and industrial
outputs, Procurement and public
Distribution with special reference to Karnataka.
5. Budgetary trends and fiscal policy.
6. Monetary and credit trends and policy Banking and
other financial institutions.
7. Foreign trade and the balance of payments.
8. Indian Planning; Objectives, strategy, experience
and problems-with special
reference to Karnataka.
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