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PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for History

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for History
History (Subject Code - 06)
Section - A: History of India (Down to A.D. 750)
i. The Indus Civilization
Origins : Extent; Characteristic features, Major cities. Trade and contacts, causes
of decline, Survival and continuity.
ii. The Vedic Age
Vedic literature, Geographical area known to Vedic Texts,   Differences and
similarities between Indus civilization and Vedic culture, Political, Social and
Economic patterns, Major religious ideas and rituals.
iii   The Pre-Maurya Period
Religious movements (Jainism, Buddhism and other sects), Social and economic
conditions, Republics and growth of Magadha imperialism.
iv   The Maurya Empire
Sources, Rise, Extent and fall of the empire; Administration. Social and economic
conditions, Ashoka’s policy and reforms.
v.   The Post-Maurya period (200 B.C. - 300 A.D.)
Principal dynasties in Northern and Sourthem India, Economy and Society;
Sanskrit, Prakrit and Tamil, Religion (Rise of Mahayana and Theitic cults), Art
(Gandhara, Mathura and other schools), Contacts with Central Asia.
vi. The Gupta Age
Rise and fall of the Gupta Empire, the vakatakas, Administration, Soceity,
Economic, literature, art and religion, Contacts with South East Asia.
vii. Post Gupta Period (500 - 750 A.D.)
Pushyabhutis, The Mukharis, The later Guptas, Harsha Vardhana and his times,
Chalukyas of Badami, The Pallavas; Society administration and art. The Arab
viii.   General review of science and technology, education and learning.Section -B : Medieval India - India 750 A.D. to 1200 A.D.
i. Political and Social conditions; the Rajputs, their polity and social structure, Land
structure, and its impact on Society.
ii. Trade and Commerce
iii. Art, Religion and philosophy, Shankaracharya.
iv. Maritime Activities; contacts with the Arabs, Mutual cultural impacts.
v. Rashtrakutas, their role in History - Contribution to art and culture, the Chola
Empire-Local Self Government, features of the Indian village system; Society;
economy, art and learning in the South.
vi. Indian Society on the eve of Mohmud of Ghanzni’s Compaigns; AI-Baruni’s
India: 1200-1765
vii. Foundation of the Delhi Sulthanate in Northern India; causes and circumstances;
its impact on the Indian Society.
viii. Khilji Imperialism; significance and implications, Administrative and economic
regulations and their impact on State and the people.
ix. New Orientation of State Policies and administrative principles under Muhammed
bin Tughlaq; Religious policy and public works of Firoz shah.
x. Disintegration of the Delhi Sulthanate; causes and its effects on the Indian Polity
and society.
xi. Nature and character of state; political ideas and institutions, Agrarian structure
and relations, growth of urban centers, Trade and commerce, condtion of artisans
and peasants, new crafts, industry and technology, Indian Medicines.
xii. Influence of Islam on Indian culture, Muslim mystic movements; nature and
significance of Bhakti saints, Maharashtra Dharma, Role of Vaisnava revivalist
movement; social and religious significance of the chaitanya Movement, impact
of Hindu Society on Muslim Social life.
xiii. The Vijayanagar Empire; its origin and growth; contribution to art, literature and
culture, social and economic conditions; system of administration; break-up of
the Vijayanagar Empire.
xiv. Sources of History; Important chronicles, Inscriptions and Travellers Accounts.
xv. Establishment of Mughal Empire in Northern India, Political and Social conditions
in Hindustan on the eve of the Babur invasion; Babur and Humanyun, Establishment of the Portuguese control in the Indian ocean, its political and economic consequences.xvi. Sur Administration; political; revenue and military administration.
xvii. Expansion of the Mughal Empire under Akbar; political unification; new concept of monarchy under Akbar, Akbar’s religo-political outlook; Relations with the nonMuslims.
xvii. Growth of regional languages and literature during the medieval period,
Development of art and architecture.
xix. Political Ideas and Institutions, Nature of the Mughal State, Land Revenue
Administration; the Manasabdari and the Jagirdari systems, the land structure
and the role of Zamindars, agraraian relations, the military organization.
xx. Aurangzeb’s religious policy; expansion of the Mughal Empire in Deccan, Revolts against Aurangzeb-Character and consequences.
xxi. Growth of urban centres; industrial, economy-urban and rural; Foreign Trade and Commerce, The Mughals and the European trading companies.
xxii. Hindu-Muslim relations; trends of integration; composite culture (16th to 18th
xxiii.Rise of Shivaji, his conflict with the Mughals; administration of Shivaji; expansion
of the Maratha power under the peshwas (1707-1761); Maratha Political structure
under the First three Peshwas; Chauth and Sardeshmukhi; Third Battle of Panipat,
causes and effects; emergence of the Maratha confederacy; its structure and
xxiv.Disintegration of the Mughal Empire, Emergence of the new Regional States.
Section - A: Modern India (1757-1947)
1. Historical Forces and Factors which led to the British conquest of India with special
reference to Bengal, Maharashtra and Sind; Resistance of Indian powers and
causes of their failure, Emergence of Hyder and Tipu on Political scene, of Mysore
-Anglo Mysore and Mysore Nizam relations.
2. Evolution of British Paramountcy over princely States, Restoration of Odeyar rule
at Mysore.
3. Stages of colonialism and changes in Administrative structure and policies,
Revenue, Judicial and Social and Educational and their Linkages with British
colonial interests.
4. British economic policies and their impact: Commercialisation of agriculture, Rural
indebtedness, Growth of agricultural labour, Destruction of handicraft industries,
Drain of wealth, Growth of modern industry and rise of a capitalist class. Activities
of the Christian Missions.5. Effects at regeneration of Indian society - Socio-religious movements; social,
religious, political and economic ideas of the reformers of 19th Century
‘Renaissance’, caste movements in general with special reference to South India
and Maharashtra; tribal revolts specially in Central and Eastern India.
6. Civil rebellions, Revolt of 1857, civil Rebellions and peasant Revolts with special
reference to Indigo revolt, Deccan riots and Mapplla Uprising.
7. Rise and growth of Indian National Movement; Social basis of Indian nationalism,
policies and programme of the early nationalist and militant nationalists, militant
revolutionary group terrorists, Rise and Growth of communalism, Emergence of
Gandhiji in Indian politics and his techniques of mass mobilization; Non-cooperation, Civil disobedience and Quit India Movement; Trade Union and peasant
movements State (s) People movements; Rise and growth of Left-wing within the
congress-The Congress Socialists and Communists; British official response to
National Movement. Attitude of the Congress to Constitutional changes, 1909-
1935; Indian National Army. Naval Mutiny of 1946; The partition of India and
Achievement of Freedom.
8. Annexation and rendition of Mysore, The Diwans of Mysore, Independence
movement in Mysore and Mysore congress, Quit India, Issor Mysore Chalo
Movement. State re-organisation Commission; Literary movement in Karnataka;
Backward Class Movement; Havanur report and its implications.
Section - B : World Hlstoy -1500 to Present
1. The Foundations of the modern world, The legacy of classical antiquity and the
middle ages, Impact of the renaissance and reformation, Commercial revolution,
Failure of the Spanish empire, Westphalia as a ‘turning point’.
2. The age of absolutism; Break-up of the feudal system, Louis XIV and Colbertism,
The Ideal of grand monarchy, Failure of absolutism in England. Absolutism in
Parssoa Austria, Commercial and Colonial rivalries and the European Wars, The
war of the Spanish Succession, the diplomatic revolution and the seven years
war, Partition of Poland, Absolutism in Eastern Europe, Peter the Great and
3. The New Society, Merchantalism and Laissez-faire, the rise of the middle class,
new trends in literature and arts, scientific revolution, Newton, Descartes, Political
thought of Hobbes and Lock, the widening horizon of Western Civilisation, contacts
with the African, Asiatic and American Worlds.
4. The beginning of Enlightement, The idea of progress, Voltaire and the Environment
of Reason, Rousseau and Montesquieu, Diderot and the Encyclopedia, Burke
and Be Maistre. The French Philosophers, the academies, and journals and the
dissemination of knowledge, the character of enlightenment.5. The American and French revolutions, Their significance and message, the Vienna
settlement and the age of reaction, Romantic revival, Hegel and German Idealism,
The Victorian era in England, Bourgeois liberalism.
6. The industrial revolution, Growth of the factory system, The classical economist
and utilitarian philosophers, the revolutions of 1830/32 and 1848 Utopian-socialism,
Karl marx’s scientific socialism, Working class movements, and social legislations,
Nationalism in Europe, Unification of Italy and Germany, Civil war in America,
Colonialism in Afro-Asian countries, Cases of China and Japan. The Ottoman
7. Neo-lmperialism in Europe, The Eastern question, Partition of Africa, The formation
of the Triple Alliance, The welding of the Entente Europe in two camps.
8. The First World War, Paris peace conference , League of Nations; New trends in
cultural fields, Darwin, Einstein and Froud, Philosophical Reflections of the theories
of evolution, relativity and quantum mechanics, New trends in literature.
9. The Russian revolution, Socialism in one country, Fascism in Italy, Nazism in
Germany, The great depression, milestones to the second world war.
11. U.N.O. Cold war, Afro - Asian resurgence, Detente, The Contemporary scene. Star Wars, Gorbachev, Glasnost and Perestroika, Collapse of U.S.S.R. and process of Globalization.


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