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Showing posts from April, 2012

PUC lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for zoology

PUC lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for zoology Zoology (Subject Code – 15B) PAPER-I Non Chordata and chordata, Ecology, Ethology, Bio-Statistics and Economic zoology, Section-A : Non chordata and chordata 1. A general Survey classification and relationship of the various phyla 2. Protozoa : Study of the structure, blonomlca and life history Parameceium, monocystis, malarial parasite, trypanasoma and Leishmania, Locomotion, nutrition and reproduction In protozoa.

PUC lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for Botany

PUC lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for Botany Botany (Subject Code- 15 A) PAPER -1 1.    Microbiology : Viruses, bacteria, plasmids, structure and reproduction, general account of infection and immunology, Microbes in agriculture, industry and medicine, and air, soil and water, control of pollution using microorganisms. 2.    Pathology : Important plant diseases in India caused by viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungi and nematodes. Modes of infection, dissemination, physiology and parasitism and methods of control, Mechanism of action of biocides, Fungal toxins. 3.    Cryptogams : Structure and reproduction from evolutionary aspect, and ecology and economic importance of algae, fungi, bryophytes and pteridophytes, Principal distribution in India .

PUC lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for Mathematics

PUC lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for Mathematics Mathematics (Subject Code - 14) PAPER -1 Linear Algebra Vector space, bases, dimension of a finitely generated space, ‘Linear Transformations, Rank and nullity of a linear transformation, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Eigenvalues and Eigen vectors. Matrix of a linear transformation, Row and Column reduction. Echelon form. Equivalence, Congruence and similarity. Reduction to canonical forms. Orthogonal, Symmetrical, skew-symmetrical, unitary, Hermitian and skew-Hermitian matrices-their eigenvalues, orthogonal and unitary reduction of quadratic and Hermitian forms. Positive definite quardratic forms, simultaneous reduction. Calculus:

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for Chemistry

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for Chemistry Chemistry (Subject Code - 13) PAPER -1 1. Atomic structure and chemical bonding, Quantum theory, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Schrodingerwave equation (time independent), interpretation of the wave function, particle in a one-dimensional box, quantum numbers, hydrogen atom wave functions. Shapes of s,p,d orbitals, ionic bond; Lattice energy, Born-Haber cycle, Fajans rules dipole moment, characteristics of ionic compounds, electronegativity differences, Covalent bond & its general characteristics, Valence bond approach, Concept of resonance and resonance energy, Electronic configuration of H2-2HN2 O2P2 NO.CO and HF molecules in terms of molecular orbital approach, Sigma and pi bonds, Bond order, bond strength & bond length.

PUC lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for Physics

PUC lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for Physics Physics (Subject Code - 12) PAPER -1 Mechanics, Thermal Physics and Waves and Oscillations 1. Mechanics: Conservation Laws, Collision impact parameter, scattering cross-section, centre of Mass and Lab systems with transformations of Physical quantities. Rutherford Scattering. Motion of a rocket under constant force field. Rotating frames of reference, Coriolis force, Motion of rigid bodies. Angular Momentum, Torque and Procession of top, Gyroscope, Central forces Motion under universe square law, Kepler’s Laws, Motion of Satellites (including geostationary). Galiliean Relativity, Special theory of relativity, Micheison-Morley Experiment, Lorentz  ransformations - addition theorem of velocities. Variation of mass with velocity, Mass-energy equivalence. Fluid dynamics, streamlines, turbulence, Bernouili’s Equation with simple application.

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for statistics

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for statistics Statistics (Subject Code - 11) PAPER-I I. Probability: Sample space and events, probability measure and probability space, Statistical Independence , Random variable as a measurable function, Discourteous and continuous random variables, Probability density and distribution functions, marginal and conditional distribution functions of random variables and their distributions, expectations and movements, conditional expectation, correlation coefficient; convergence in probability in LP almost everywhere, Markov, Chebychev and Kolmogrov inequalities, Borel Cantelli Lemma, weak and strong law of large numbers probability generating and characteristic functions. Uniqueness and continuity theorems. Determination of distribution by moments. Liderbery-Devy Central limit theorem. Standard discrete and continuous probability distributions, their interrelations including limiting cases.

PUC lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus of Commerce

PUC lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus of Commerce Commerce (Subject Code - 10) Paper -1: Accounting and Finance Part -1: Accounting, Auditing and Taxation : Accounting as a financial information System - Impact of behavioural sciences - Methods of accounting of changing price levels with particular reference to current purchasing power (CPP), accounting - Advanced problems of Company Accounts - Amalgamation absorption and reconstruction of companies -Accounting of holding Companies - Valuation of shares and goodwill, Controllership functions-Property control, legal and management. Important provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961, Definition-Change of Income Tax Exemption, Depreciation and Investment allowance, Simple problems on computation of Income under the various heads and determination of assessable income, income-tax Authorities.

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for sociology subject

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for sociology subject Sociology (Subject Code - 09) PAPER -1 Scientific study of social Phenomena : The Emergence of sociology and its relationships with other disciplines, science and social behaviour, the problem of  objectivity, the scientific method and design of sociological research, techniques of date collection and measurement including participant and non-participant observation, interview schedules and questionnaires and measurement of attitudes. Pioneering contributions to sociology. The seminal ideas of Durkheim, Weber, Redoliffe-brown, Malinowski, Parsons, Merton and Marx Historical materialism, alienation, class and class struggle durkheim, division of labour, social fact, religion and society, weber social action, types of authority, bureaucracy, rationality, protectant ethnic and the spirit of capitalism, ideal types.

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus of Political Science

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus of Political Science  Political Science (Subject Code - 08) PAPER-I Section-A: Political Theory 1. Main features of ancient Indian Political thought; Manu and Kautilya; Ancient Greek thought; plato, Artistotle; General Characteristics of European medieval political thought: St. Thomas Aquinas, Marsiglio of padua; Machiavelli; Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, Rousnenu, Eenthan, J.S. Kill T.H. Green Hegal, Mark, Lenin and MaoTse-Tung. 2. Nature and scope of Political science; Growth of Political Science as a discipline. Traditional Vs. Con-temporary approaches; Behaviouralism and Post-Behavioural developments; Systems theory and other recent approaches to political analysis, Marxist approach political analysis. 3. The emergence and nature of the modern State; Sovereignty; Monistic and Pluralistic analysis of sovereignty; Power, Authority and Legitimacy. 4. Political obligation : Resistance and Revolution; Rights, Liberty , Eq

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus of Economics

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus of Economics  Economics (Subject Code - 07) PAPER -1 Chapter: 1. The Framework of an economy; National Income Accounting. , 2. Economic choice; Consumer behaviour-producer behaviour and market forms. 3.   Investment decisions and determination of income and employment. Microeconomic models of income, distribution and growth. 4.   Banking, Objective and instruments of Central Banking and Credit Policies in Planned developing economy. 5.   Types of taxes and their impacts on the economy, the impacts of the size and content of budgets, objectives and Instruments of budgetary and fiscal policy in a planned developing economy. 6.   International Trade Tariffs, The rate of exchange, The balance of Payments, International Monetary and Banking Institutions. Economics

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for Hindi subject

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for Hindi subject Hindi (Subject Code - 04) PAPER-I 1. History of Hindi Language i) Grammatical and Lexical features of Apabhramsa, Avahatta and early Hindi. ii) Evolution of avadhi and Braj Bhasa as literary language during the Medieval period. iii) Evolution of Khari Boli Hindi as Literary language during the 19th century iv) Standardization of Hindi language with Devanagari script. v) Development of Hindi as Rashtra Bhasha during the Freedom struggle. vi) Development of Hindi as official language of Indian Union since Independence . vii) Major Dialects of Hindi and their inter-relationship. viii) Significant grammatical features of standard Hindi.

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 syllabus for urdu subject

Urdu (Subject Code - 03) PAPER-I a) The coming of the Aryans in India, Development of the Indo-Aryan three stagesOld Indo Aryan (OIA), Middle Indo Aryan (MIA) and New Indo-Aryan (NIA), Grouping of the New Indo-Aryan languages, Western Hindi and its dialects, Khari Boli, Braj Bhasha and Haryanavi Relationship of Urdu to Khadi, Perso, Arabic elements in Urdu. Development of Urdu from 1290 to 1800 in the North and 1400 to 1700 in the Deccan . b) Significant features of Urdu Phonology, Morphology Syntax, Perso, Arabic elements in its phonology, Morphology and syntax, its vocabulary.

PUC Lecturers recruitment syllabus

PUC Lecturers recruitment 2012 CET syllabus for English subject English (Subject Code - 02) PAPER -1 Detailed study of a literary age (19th century) The paper will cover the study of English literature from 1798 to 1900 with special reference to the works of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, Lamb, Haslitt, Thackeray, Dickens, Tennyson, Robert Browning. Arnold, George Eliot, Carlyle, Ruskin, Pater.             Evidence of first hand reading will be required. The paper will be designed to test not only the candidates’ knowledge of the authors prescribed but also their understanding of the main literary trends during the period. Questions having a bearing on the social and cultural background of the period may be included.

PUC Lecturers recruitment syllabus for Kannada subject code-01

PUC Lecturers recruitment syllabus for  Kannada (Subject Code - 01) PAPER-I Section -1 History of Kannada language. What is language? Classification of language. General characteristics of Dravidian languages; Competitive and contrastive features of Kannada and other Dravidian languages; Kannada alphabets, Some salient features of Kannada grammer, gender, number, case, verbs, tense and pronouns. Chronological stages of Kannada language, influence of other languages on Kannada language borrowing and semantic changes, Kannada language and its dialects, literary and colloquial style of Kannada.

High school teachers recruitment notification 2012

Recruitment Notification for appointing High School Assistant Teacher Grade-2 and Physical Education Teacher Grade-1 for the year 2012-13 in Bangalore Division. for detail for BANGALORE CLICK HERE for BALGAVI CLICK HERE for GULBARGA Div CLICK HERE for MYSORE Div CLICK HERE High school teachers recruitment notification 2012, High school teacher, Jobs of High School Teacher, 

Red Radish as medicine

Red Radish as medicine If red radish is used after meals, food is easily digested very well, decay of teeth is reduced. Fried chips of radish with lemon juice and honey increase the power to fight with diseases. Heart diseases will be cured. Halva of this, increases vigour of sexual intercourse.  Red Radish as medicine If red radish is used after meals, food is easily digested very well, decay of teeth is reduced. Fried chips of radish with lemon juice and honey increase the power to fight with diseases. Heart diseases will be cured. Halva of this, increases vigour of sexual intercourse.  سرخ مولی بطور دوا اگر کھانے کے بعد لال مولی کا استعمال کیا جائے تو کھانا بہت اچھی طرح ہضم ہوجاتا ہے، دانتوں کی خرابی کم ہوجاتی ہے۔ لیموں کے رس اور شہد کے ساتھ مولی کے تلے ہوئے چپس بیماریوں سے لڑنے کی طاقت بڑھاتے ہیں۔ دل کی بیماریاں ٹھیک ہو جائیں گی۔ اس کا حلوہ جماع کی قوت کو بڑھاتا ہے۔

Dates as medicine

Dates as medicine It purifies blood, breast milk increases. The seed paste with dates and honey bring rigorousness, sexual ability increases. کھجور بطور دوا اس سے خون صاف ہوتا ہے، ماں کا دودھ بڑھتا ہے۔ کھجور اور شہد کے ساتھ بیج پیسٹ کرنے سے قوت باہ آتی ہے، جنسی صلاحیت میں اضافہ ہوتا ہے۔ औषधि के रूप में खजूर यह रक्त को शुद्ध करता है, स्तनों में दूध की वृद्धि करता है। खजूर और शहद के साथ बीजों का लेप करने से कठोरता आती है, यौन क्षमता बढ़ती है।

Honey as medicine شہید اور اس کے فوائد

 Honey as medicine If honey is applied to the burnt part of body, it reduces burning pain and it is cured early. If it is used regularly constipation is avoided and blood becomes pure. If it is used with milk, the ability in fighting with diseases increases. If it is used regularly there is more satisfaction in sexual course. If old honey is used high weight of the body will be reduced. Mouth ulcers will be cured if honey is applied., 

Medicinal benefits of Tomato

Medicinal benefits of Tomato If tomato is used teeth and gums become strong. Apply tomato juice to pimples, wash the face after few hours. Boils and pimples are cured. If it is used regularly for about three months in the morning, the blood becomes pure and hefty body reduces. 

Medicinal benefits of Rajagiri Vegetable

Medicinal benefits of Rajagiri Vegetable: If this vegetable is used regularly, over bleeding at the time of menstrual cycle is cured. If juice is applied to hair, they become more black and grow well.  راجگیری سبزی کے طبی فوائد: اگر اس سبزی کو باقاعدگی سے استعمال کیا جائے تو ماہواری کے وقت زیادہ خون آنا ٹھیک ہو جاتا ہے۔ اگر بالوں میں جوس لگایا جائے تو وہ زیادہ سیاہ ہوجاتے ہیں اور اچھی طرح بڑھتے ہیں۔ राजगिरी सब्जी के औषधीय लाभ: इस सब्जी का नियमित सेवन करने से मासिक धर्म के समय होने वाला अधिक रक्तस्राव ठीक हो जाता है। बालों में रस लगाने से वे और काले हो जाते हैं और अच्छे से बढ़ते हैं।