Water is life
It is not necessary to explain about water. Directly I would like to share the 11 medicinal benefits of water. We can use water as home remedy.
after washing mouth, all troubles of stomach will be reduced. Standing water of pond should not be taken for drinking, as it is. It is better to drink water kept in copper pots after filtering.
It is not necessary to explain about water. Directly I would like to share the 11 medicinal benefits of water. We can use water as home remedy.
1. Water is the most important thing to the body in all respects.
We should take seven or eight litres of pure water every day. It is better to drink boiled water.
2. If we drink one gl
ass of water early in the morning
after washing mouth, all troubles of stomach will be reduced. Standing water of pond should not be taken for drinking, as it is. It is better to drink water kept in copper pots after filtering.
3. Cold will be reduced by taking hot bath. Burning sensation in the eyes will be reduced by washing head by hot water. Much more hot water should not be used while washing head.
4. If we take cold water bath at night we will get good sleep. Those who are suffering from heart diseases should not take cold water bath in old weather. We will get good sleep after bathing. Fatigue vanishes.
5. If one cup of water with half lemon juice taken with little bit table salt, the burning sensation while passing urine will be reduced.
6. It is better to t
ake cold water bath every day in the morning. If such bath is taken we get energy in nerves and the condition of health improves.
7. Hair grow will be better if we take cold water bath and dust vanishes.
8. We get energic activities in body if we take hot water bath. Those who are not accustomed with cold water bath they should use warm water.
9. Hot fomentation may be given to the part of the body where got hard hit.
10. It is not good to take bath after meals and while fatigue.
11. It is better to keep cold water belt on the stomach while there is a sensation of vomiting.
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