2. Take some pepper seeds and make fine powder, add one tea spoonful of hot ghee to this. if this mixture is taken with food, obstruction by indigestion will be reduced.
3. Take some powder of pepper seeds and jaggery, mix it with curd. If this mixture is taken for about a week, passage of urine and burning sensation in anus will be cleared.
4. Add one spoonful of pepper powder to boiling water, add some pieces of garlic to the boiling water. After five minutes take the mixture and filter it. Add some honey to it. If this mixture is taken three times in a day, malaria will be cured.

6. If the mixtures of old tamarind, mint, pepper and salt is taken, stomach pain will be reduced.
7. Take pepper and fry it, make powder of it, mix it with honey. If this mixture is taken thrice in a day, cough and asthama will be reduced.
8. If the powder of pepper is used as tooth powder toothache will be reduced.
9. Pimples will vanish, if paste of pepper and honey is applied to pimples.
10. Mix the powder of pepper with banana and make good paste of it. If this mixture is taken thrice in a day, the cold and cough will be reduced.
11. Take hot milk, add some turmeric powder, pepper powder and sugar to it. If this mixture is used as dosage-cold, cough and throat pain will be reduced.
12. If one cup of pepper liquid is taken after meals, there will be no indigestion. Take one tea spoonful of tulasi leaf juice, add some pepper powder to it. If this mixture is taken with honey for three or four days, fever will be reduced.
13. Make paste of Indian horse radish leaves and pepper powder. If this paste is applied to the forehead and chicks headache will be reduced.
14. Take half tea spoon of pepper and fry it, make soft powder and add it to two cups of boiling water boil it again. if this mixture is taken, thirst will be reduced.
15. Make paste of garlic and pepper. If it is used in meals, digestion powder will be increased.
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