The condition of our skin tells a lot about who we are. If it is not that elastic or as thinner as before, then you may already have wrinkled skin. The question now is, can we prevent it?
A lot of experts believe that we are only delaying the inevitable. There have been advances in the dermatological field which people can use as well as home remedies that have proven to be quite effective.

You can use lotions or facial creams that contain AHA’s or alpha-hydroxic acids. This contains Vitamin A and is usually extracted from milk, fruits and sugar cane and works by clearing away dead cells on the surface of the skin. It encourages collagen growth which fills in the wrinkles and also counteracts free radicals that can damage the skin.
The only side effect is skin irritation which happens on occasion. You can test the product you are using by rubbing a little of this on a small patch of skin behind the ear. If it doesn’t turn red the day after then it is safe for you to use.
You should also exfoliate your skin twice weekly to remove dead and dry skin cells and encourage the body to produce new skin cells. This enables the skin to absorb the cream or the moisturizer better since it is hydrated.
You can prevent wrinkles the natural way by cutting a piece from an aloe vera plant and then apply this to the skin as the leaf itself contains malic acid. Papaya is another good example to use because it contains enzymes that can etch away the top layer of the skin.
Apply a moisturizer every morning after washing as this helps retain moisture in the skin. Ideally, this should contain SPF30 so it can protect you from the sun’s ultra-violet rays which also cause wrinkles to appear. A natural method would be to use fresh avocado as this contains vitamin E which is an anti-oxidant.
Aside from applying creams to your face, you can also prevent wrinkles by watching your diet and drinking lots of water. The food you consume should be rich in Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that will help you achieve healthy skin cell structure.
You should also exercise regularly as this helps maintain general health and improve circulation to the skin. You shouldn’t smoke or drink too much because it defeats the purpose of all the safeguards you have done to prevent wrinkles.
Stress forces us to make excessive use of the facial muscles which causes the skin to crease into expression lines. To prevent that from happening, don’t frown too much or raise your eye brows in surprise.
Lastly, as much as possible try to stay indoors especially between 10 am and 4pm since this is the time that it is very hot outside. If you have to go out, wear a hat and even a pair of sunglasses as well as an umbrella to protect your arms.
Can we prevent wrinkled skin? The answer is yes as long as we take the appropriate steps. Those mentioned above are much cheaper than having to undergo laser surgery or injecting some chemical into the body so do your best before you have to resort to other means.
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