V Semester Degree Examination
Paper – 5.5 : E-Commerce and Tally
Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 80
Note : Answer any ten questions: 10x2=20
1. What are the issues of Global-E-Commerce?
2. List all the technical components of E-Commerce.
3. What is E-Mail?
4. Define Bar codes.
5. Define plain credit-card.
6. Define internet cheques.
7. List all transaction between business to business.
8. What is goal of supply chain management?
9. Define E-Auction.
10. What are the properties of E-Cash?
11. Define secure electronic transactions.
12. Write note on password protected pages.
Answer the following questions: 3x5=15
13. What are the functions of E-Commerce? And explain any one function.
14. Explain enterprise management.
15. What are the steps involved to make the credit card transaction secure?
16. Write note on re-intermediation
17. What are the characteristics of buyer oriented market place?
Answer any three of the following: 3x15=45
18. Explain any five electronic market place technologies.
19. List all strategic capabilities of internet and explain.
20. What are the accounting vouchers? Explain.
21. Explain consumer shopping procedure on the internet.
22. List all the registers used in Tally and write a procedure to create any two registers in Tally.
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