V Semester Degree Examination
Principles of Management
Paper – 5.3 : Principles of Management
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instruction : Attempt all sections according to the internal choice.
Note : Answer any ten questions: 10x2=20
1. State any four features of management.
2. Give two reasons to call management an art.
3. What do you mean by scientific management?
4. Name any two contributories of pre-scientific period.
5. State any two limitations of planning.
6. What is a planning premise?
7. Define departmentation.
8. State two principles of organization.
9. What is informal organization?
10. Define promotion.
11. What is job evolution?
12. Is training necessary?
Answer any three of the following: 4x3=15
- Define management. Explain its importance.
- Briefly explain the contribution of F.W. Taylor to the growth of scientific management.
- List –out the steps involved in planning.
- Describe any four principles of organization.
- Distinguish between oral and written interview.
1. Explain the various functions of management.
2. Give a brief account of the evolution of management though from the days of early pioneers to modern times.
3. Define planning. Discuss the importance of planning and explain the characteristics of a good plan.
4. What is line and staff organization? Explain its merits and demerits.
5. Describe the process of selection.
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