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Getting Rid of Wrinkles

If you think that women are the only ones that deal with wrinkles, think again because men also have this problem as they age. Fortunately, there are things we can do on our own to help get rid of wrinkles. 

For those who smoke, you should stop immediately. Studies have shown that this activates premature aging or what is better known as photo aging which is why someone in their 30’s will look like a person that is already in their 50’s. 

Overexposure to the sun causes wrinkles. You can prevent that from happening by staying indoors between 10 am to 4pm. If you have to go out, make sure you have sun screen on that will protect you from ultraviolet A and B rays. 

If you drink, you better also give up the habit because apart from health related problems, alcohol causes severe dehydration. If the body does not have enough water, the skin becomes thinner making is sag. The only solution of course will be to drink lots of fluid. Ideally this should be 8 glasses of water a day as this plays a key role in maintaining healthy skin complexion. 

Aside from water, you should also maintain a proper diet. You should include here 5 servings of vegetables and a serving of fruit in our daily meals. Some examples of these that are rich in antioxidants include asparagus, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cantaloupe, guava, papaya and pineapple. 

Other things that can be used include olive oil, nuts and whole grains. Since we also need some protein and meats, add fish to your diet as it contains Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids which are best broiled or baked. 

To complete your diet, don’t forget to take some supplements. These should at least give you sufficient amounts of vitamins A, B, C and E as these protect us from free radicals. 

For some, the presence of wrinkles is already there. When that happens, the only thing to do now is to find ways to remove it. For that, you will have to rely on creams and other procedures that can be done by a dermatologist. Some examples of these include chemical peels, laser surgery and injections. 

Some of these procedures have short term effects while others which are more expensive are for the long term. You just have to get yourself examined by the specialist to find out which one is suited to your condition and of course, what is within your budget. 

You should only use mild soaps when getting rid of wrinkles. This is because strong soaps does the exact opposite and only makes the skin less healthy and more prone to wrinkles forming as it kills the top layers of skin and seeping the oil out of the layers  of skin below that. If you don’t heed this warning, you will regret it with the presence in the number and deepness of these wrinkles. 

Getting rid of wrinkles is challenging especially when it is already on your face and body. Regardless of what beauty product you buy, these will not go away overnight in the same manner that they appeared on your face. If money is no object, then go for a procedure.

All of us have a different way of addressing this problem and with the budget setting our limits; we simply have to use whatever resources there are to make it go away. 


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