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Pharmaceutical Chemistry

            The term chemotherapy was introduced Ehrlnish 1909 and it appears to be was in the treatment of diseases give to bacterial invention by chemical compounds which destroys the micro organisms without affecting to the tishese or cells of host.

            Compound which exerts various philogical effects of therapeutic value are collectively known as drugs.

Types of drugs:
1.         Sulpha drugs                        2.         Anti malerial
3.         Arsenical Drugs       4.         Anti biotics

1.         Sulpha Drugs:
            Sulpha Drugs
            Sulpha namide (Paramino Benzene Sulphonamino) and its derivative, have grate anti bacterial powers sulphanamide itself is widely used in medicines.
Ex: Sulphonamides.

2.         Anti malarial:
            Quenin was originally used as anti material drugs but there is a number of synthetic compounds us for this purpose plasmoani, Nepatrive, probuahal.

3.         Ascenical Drugs:
            These are used in the treatment of Phyics.
Ex :
            1.         Arsphenanine commercial name,
                        (Salvassan) 606),
2.                  Trytassamibe

4.         Anti biotics
            Many miaro organisms produse within themselves chemical substances which when excretes, interphire with the growth or metabolism or other micro organism such compounds are called anti biotic.

            And need be present in low concentration to bring about anti-biotic action.

Ex :
            In 1929 phenin discovered a mold of the penicillium specis which in nibited the growth of the sertain.


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