B.Ed. Question Paper
B.Ed. II Semester Degree Examination
EDC-7 : Teacher and Education in Indian Society
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Note: 1) This question paper consists of three sections.
2) Answer as per the instruction given under each section of question paper.
3) Mention correctly the section and question number.
I. Answer any four of the following questions in about two to three pages each: 4x10=40
1) a) National Integration means “Love towards the Nation”. On the basis of this statement, how you can develop National Integration through co-curricular activities?
B) Do you think that the Recommendations of National Education Policy (1986) have given new direction to the educational system in India ? Justify your answer.
II.A) Explain the main feature of Buddhist Education in India and compare the Buddhist system of education with Vedic system of education.
B) Which are the main Recommendations of Hortag Committee Report and mention its merits and demerits?
III.A) What is conservation and protection of environment? And what is the role of individuals and group in protection of environment?
B) Why the educationists called Indian Education Commission Report (Kothari) of 1964-66 is known as Bilal of education? Discuss.
IV. A) What is the importance of vocationalization of education? And what methodology can be employed for vocationalization of secondary education?
B) What is International understanding? How can you develop international understanding though curricular activities?
II. Answer any five of the following questions in about one page each: 5x5=25
1. Explain the methods and techniques of teaching population education.
2. Which are the different teaching methods of Muslim education?
3. What are the main Recommendations of 1953 Secondary Education Commission?
4. Nonformal education is a manifold process discuss.
5. Which are the main functions of the Indian Association of Teacher Education?
6. How the Compensatory Educational Programmes are very useful to backward people? Discuss.
7. What is the concept and background of distance education?
8. Education as an aspect of human resource development evaluation.
III. Answer any five of the following questions in half to three fourth of a page each: 5x3=15
1. List out the recommendations of Wood’s Dispatch.
2. University Education.
3. Merits and demerits of Sargent Report.
4. Equalizing opportunity.
5. Teachers professional Ethics.
6. Curriculum of Madarsa.
7. Promoting “Small Family Norm”.
8. Effect of Deforestation.
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