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Showing posts from 2010

What Are Wrinkles

There are physical signs that show that a person is aging. A man for instance may lose hair or slowly change to grey. Our skin shows signs as well and to understand it, we have to know what wrinkles are.  The skin is made up of 3 layers namely the epidermis, the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The outer layer namely the epidermis becomes thinner and less sticky as we age. This in turn causes dryness and as this decreases by 10% per decade, it takes more time for the skin to repair itself.  This also affects the dermis because less collagen is produced and the elastic fibers which provide us with elasticity also wears out which is why our skin also sags. We don’t sweat that much as before as there is a decrease as well in the number of sweat glands.  Now that we know where it can happen, we can describe what wrinkles are simply as ridges or creases on a surface.  But is aging the only cause of wrinkles? The answer is no. Studies have shown that exposure to ultrav

What Causes a Wrinkle

What Causes a Wrinkle? Do not freak out at the first sign of a wrinkle developing on your face. It is normal. It happens to everybody. It may not just happen at the same time. So what you have to do is research about its causes and the preventive measures that you can do to attain a younger looking skin even if you are already getting old. So what causes wrinkles? Here are some. 1. Sun It’s a nice feeling to lie around the beach while being under the sun to achieve a perfect tan. But this is not a healthy feat especially if you do this oftentimes. Do you know that your skin’s exposure to sun’s rays is the number one cause for developing wrinkles? This doesn’t really have to happen at the beach. It can happen every day when it is day time. It doesn’t really have to be sunny for the sun to cause damage to your skin. Even if it is cloudy or seemingly like it is going to rain, as long as it is day time, you are not safe from the effects of the sun. To counter thi

Various Exercises to Remove Wrinkles

Under eye wrinkles are caused by stressful activities. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with it.  The cheapest way of doing it is by engaging in various exercises. What you have to do now is find out what these are.  But before we go there, we have to mention other ways to remove wrinkles.  The first and perhaps most obvious is to avoid stressful situations and learning to stay calm. But if you have a very toxic job, that is very unless and the only thing to do will be to quit and shift to a new career. 

The relationship between the sun and wrinkles

Many may not be aware, but the sun and wrinkles are closely related with each other and reading further will help you piece together the relationship between the sun and wrinkles.  It is a fact that exposure to ultraviolet light, whether UVA or UVB, that is derived from sunlight, accounts for 90% of the symptoms of premature skin aging. Since most of the photoaging effects occur by the age of 20, the amount of damage to the skin caused by the sun is determined by the total lifetime amount of radiation exposure and the pigment protection. 

Treatment for skin wrinkles

With the advancement and progress in the technology of health and wellness, there are a myriad choice of treatment for skin wrinkles. Whether it be topical, cosmetic or surgical, there is a broad range of treatments available in the market from just reducing wrinkles to totally eradicating its presence, which would ultimately require surgical treatment. Here is a list of cosmetic treatments, both medical and surgical, including topical medicines and creams that are available in the market.

The Search is on for the Best Wrinkle Cream

What would you recommend as the best wrinkle cream? Have you already tried anything in this category? Wrinkles are among the signs that you are aging. But some people do not like such signs. They would do anything just to get rid of them. Thanks to the ever developing world of science, there are more and more reasons to be vain in a good way and sometimes, for a very good amount of money. You can remove the unwanted lines with only few injections. You can make your skin whiter with only a short procedure. You can even change the way you look, your features, in a matter of hours.

The relationship between the sun and wrinkles

Many may not be aware, but the sun and wrinkles are closely related with each other and reading further will help you piece together the relationship between the sun and wrinkles.  It is a fact that exposure to ultraviolet light, whether UVA or UVB, that is derived from sunlight, accounts for 90% of the symptoms of premature skin aging. Since most of the photoaging effects occur by the age of 20, the amount of damage to the skin caused by the sun is determined by the total lifetime amount of radiation exposure and the pigment protection. 

The lowdown on wrinkles

What can be a more refreshing way to relieve one’s self of the daily grind of work than to go out to the beach and stay in the sun….but wait till you hear the lowdown on wrinkles. It is a fact that skin ages, as much as our physical appearance and it does that all over our body, especially on parts of the skin that is most often exposed to the sun.

The Different Antioxidants for Wrinkle Treatment

When you hear about wrinkle treatment, what comes first to your mind? If it is surgery, do not be drastic about it especially if it can still be diminished through the commercially available products for such cause. The Antioxidants Ever heard of the antioxidants? For sure, you have. It is all over the advertisements. Every product nowadays seems to be claiming antioxidants as their unique selling proposition or their USP. What is so special about this feature? Why is it that all of a sudden there is a swarm of products claiming that they have such? 

Smoking Causes Wrinkles

Can smoking cause wrinkles? According to many experts, the answer is yes because it accelerates the normal aging process of your skin and contributes to wrinkles from appearing. You will not be able to see the direct effects of smoking immediately but it can after you have smoked for 10 years or so and the bad news is that this is irreversible. 

Skin Care Tips to Avoid Developing Wrinkles

If you are young, you still have ample of time to take care of your skin to stop wrinkles from developing while you are still at your prime. There are ways to do it that will not cause you a lot. And besides, there are more to your life now than to worry yourself about such occurrence. It will come at the right time. You are already battling it out with all kinds of blemishes including pimples, so do not yet worry about something that still isn't visible.

Short Term Wrinkle Solutions

Wrinkles happen as we age. If you can’t afford plastic surgery, there are short term wrinkle solutions you can use. The best part is that there are very few risks so you just have to consult with you dermatologist. Let’s talk about each one in alphabetical order. 

Over the Counter Wrinkle Removers

Over the Counter Wrinkle Removers There are different ways of dealing with wrinkles. You can choose to undergo a procedure or apply something to the affected area. Over the counter wrinkle removers are very much in demand because they are affordable. To give you an idea, here are the things you can get the next time you head on over to the drug store. 

Nine Wrinkle Fighting Foods

A proper diet can help us maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you don’t want to have creases on your face or your skin, you should know what wrinkle fighting foods are good to eat. Here are nine examples. 1. Spinach and other green leafy vegetables are good because it contains lutein that helps give the skin its essential antioxidant mechanism by maintaining skin hydration and elasticity. Ideally, you should eat about 10mg of this daily which is about 4oz of this vegetable. 

Modern approaches to skin wrinkle treatment

From old wives tales to home crafted traditional concoctions, many have come up with a variety of skin care treatments that have been effective and not, but nowadays, one can be sure about the efficacy of modern approaches to skin wrinkle treatment. If one can say that modern-day skin wrinkle treatments are very expensive, think again.

List of Good Anti Wrinkle Creams

What are wrinkles and what are your choices for good anti wrinkle creams? Wrinkles may be a sign of aging. But not all people develop such at the same point of their lives. Some people start to show the unwanted lines while they are still young and even at their prime. While other people only show such signs long after they had their granddaughters and grandsons. There are many factors that may affect the wrinkle development. One important thing is the genes. Some are lucky when it comes to this. They look young and wrinkle free even if they are already considered old. This may also be attributed to the lifestyle. If you have developed vices such as drinking and smoking, it is more likely that your skin will look older than the people who are leading the vices-free route of living. And also, the food you eat is another important consideration. If you are eating right and healthy, this will also be visible on your skin. 

Home Remedies for Wrinkles

Having wrinkles on your face or on your body is a normal fact of life. You can accept it for what it is or do something about it. Instead of buying expensive creams and moisturizers, perhaps you can try some home remedies that have proven to be effective against wrinkles.  You can apply egg whites under the eyes.  For those that want to prevent wrinkles, you may also use odor free castor oil and put this to the skin, under the eyes or the throat. 

Getting Rid of Wrinkles

If you think that women are the only ones that deal with wrinkles, think again because men also have this problem as they age. Fortunately, there are things we can do on our own to help get rid of wrinkles.  For those who smoke, you should stop immediately. Studies have shown that this activates premature aging or what is better known as photo aging which is why someone in their 30’s will look like a person that is already in their 50’s. 

Different Treatments for Eye Wrinkles

The process of aging brings about so many changes in our physical condition and appearance. Having eye wrinkles is just one of them. But do you know what brought such changes? It is not solely because of the age of the person. It is more so because of a person's exposure to the sun and ultraviolet rays. You might not notice the effect when you are still young. But as you may have noticed, there are people who remain to look young even if they are already old and vice versa. This all boils down on how badly your skin is affected by such kind of exposure.

Chemical Peels Can Remove Wrinkles

Chemical peels can remove wrinkles. They are also effective in removing the outer layers of sun damaged, blemished, unevenly pigmented, blotchy skin and pre-cancerous growth.  There are currently three strengths that are all designed to remove the outer layer of skin so there is fresh new skin growth with the absence of blemishes, blotches and wrinkles. Despite that, people should remember that chemical peels do not stop or retard the normal effects of aging. Let’s talk about the three types. 

Can We Prevent Wrinkled Skin

The condition of our skin tells a lot about who we are. If it is not that elastic or as thinner as before, then you may already have wrinkled skin. The question now is, can we prevent it? A lot of experts believe that we are only delaying the inevitable. There have been advances in the dermatological field which people can use as well as home remedies that have proven to be quite effective.  You can use lotions or facial creams that contain AHA’s or alpha-hydroxic acids. This contains Vitamin A and is usually extracted from milk, fruits and sugar cane and works by clearing away dead cells on the surface of the skin. It encourages collagen growth which fills in the wrinkles and also counteracts free radicals that can damage the skin.  The only side effect is skin irritation which happens on occasion. You can test the product you are using by rubbing a little of this on a small patch of skin behind the ear. If it doesn’t turn red the day after then it is safe for yo

A Wrinkle in Time – Understanding Your Skin

A Wrinkle in Time – Understanding Your Skin It is always nice to look at a baby's flawless skin. There are no lines, no signs that a pimple has even been there and actually, it's perfect. You had gone that route but as you age, you can't help but accommodate a wrinkle in time until you no longer know where your baby skin has gone to. To know about the causes of wrinkles, you must first know about the normal skin layers. Here are the layers that constitute a human skin. 1. Epidermis This is the outer layer of your skin. This protects the inner layers to whatever the environment may cause them. This seemingly tough outer skin is caused by the movement of keratinocytes, the cells of the epidermis, from its bottom part to the top. As a result, a large dose of keratin is produced. But when these cells reach the top, they actually flake off. So if you see scaly types of skins, it means that something went wrong in this process. 2. Dermis This is

A Little Know-How about Botox Injections for Wrinkles

How far are you willing to go to be beautiful? As years go by, developments even in the beauty department never seem to cease. You will see a product available commercially based on your need, may it be immediate or long term. There are creams that could easily wipe out your pimples, Botox injections for wrinkles, whitening lotions and creams for your skin and a lot more. To Be or Not to Be The important thing that you have to ask yourself is do you really need to go the drastic route in order to retain your younger looking skin. Everybody will eventually look old no matter how helpful science had been to you. In the manner of using beauty products and undergoing surgeries and injections, you are merely slowing the process. If you are already considering your options about the said topic, you have to be ready for the results and the consequences. To lessen your worries, do a thorough research about what you want to be done. Ask around and ask for referrals for pro

Wrinkle Cream for the Eyes

The skin beneath your eyes is the thinnest part on that area. For this reason, you have to find a good wrinkle cream for the eyes. In your search for the best, here’s a list of what you should aim to attain. 1. The skin under your eyes lacks the moisture retention type of glands that makes it different from the skin on the rest of your face. So you have to find the one that will address such need. 2. Ask for the cream that will lessen the puffiness and lessen the eye bags and dark circles. Look for the kind that promises to make the part smoother and will diminish the unwanted lines through time. 3. You want the problem spots to be cured by tightening the skin on the area. You also want to restore your skin’s elasticity to prevent the lines from developing further. 4. The main thing that you want to aim for is to achieve youthful skin. You definitely would not want to be mistaken as 30 when you are only 20. It will be much better if it will be taken the other

Penny Stocks Risks

The first point to remember is that large market cap stocks are likely to be registered on a national stock exchange such as NASDAQ. The reason for this is that when large volumes and amount are involved, which by definition is true for a large market cap stock, it is extremely difficult to get all that trade done outside a stock exchange. Although it is theoretically possible for a large stock to be traded on Pink Sheets and OTCBB, it will be difficult to sustain high volumes on these, because many people, who trade on recognized stock exchanges, may not trade in these stocks, particularly in large volumes. 

Penny stocks market

Penny Stocks: There is full-fledged market for the penny stocks, however these stocks have very limited liquidity. One of the reasons for the penny stock market’s volatility is its limited liquidity, however the penny stock markets are very popular.   Penny stocks, sometimes also termed as micro cap are low priced stocks generally traded in over the counter market. Most of the stocks are available in a penny that’s why these are known as penny stocks. The penny stocks are generally offered by a company having less than 3 years in business and have less than $5 million net tangible assets or a company has at least 3 years in business and has under $2 million net tangible assts or a company has $6 million revenue for 3 years. Over The Counter Bulletin Board: OTCBB (Over the counter bulletin board) provides complete information for more than 3000 stocks including real time quotes display, last sale price and volumes. These equities are generally not traded in any nati

Penny Stocks: Is it a Good Idea to Invest

There are so many different stock options out there, it’s almost impossible to keep them all straight. When investors want to start out sort of small in the stock market, they may hear that penny stocks are a good investment. But, are they? It’s true that, for those investors wanting only to put in a little bit of their money, penny stocks are a good way to go. Shares are often bought fairly cheaply, and there is the hope of getting a big return for that small initial investment. This is why some investors are drawn to penny stocks. A small investment, a big return…it sounds perfect, right? This does not mean that it’s always a good idea to invest in penny stocks. Yes, there is some potential to enjoy a large return. But penny stocks aren’t labeled a “high-risk investment” for nothing. There is also the potential that investors will lose their capital, their whole investment in fact. Why? Because penny stocks trade very infrequently, and they don’t trade through th

Penny Stocks: Aren’t All Penny Stocks a Scam

Most Internet e-mail users have been subject to penny stock scams. There are more than fifty billion spam messages sent each day, and many of these mention investing in penny stocks. Spam isn’t a very reliable investment source, right? Does that mean that all penny stocks are, essentially, some sort of scam?

Penny Stocks: Are They Right For You

Many people know that the stock market is a good way to invest, and increase, their money. However, playing the stock market is always a risk, and it certainly helps to know what you’re doing. For those wishing to make a small initial investment, the term “penny stocks” may come up, more than once. You may have heard that penny stocks are a great way to start small, and work your way up to being big. But how do you know they’re right for you? How do you know if you want to invest your money in these penny stocks?

Penny Stocks: Are Penny Stocks Too Risky

The term “high-risk investment” sounds scary, doesn’t it? This phrase alone is enough to put many investors off. After all, no one wants to take a risk. The trouble with buying any kind of stock (high-risk of not) is that it’s always a gamble. But how do you decide when a stock is just too high-risk, for you?

Penny Stocks: Are Penny Stocks Legal

They don’t trade on the main stock exchanges. They have not been approved by the SEC, but nor have they been disapproved by the SEC. They are labeled as a high-risk investments. Very little is even known about them, and they’re often used in Internet e-mail spam scams. …Are penny stocks even legal to invest in?

Penny Stocks: Are Penny Stocks Dangerous

If you’ve heard anything about penny stocks, it’s probably that they’re a bad investment, or an Internet scam. There’s a lot of bad hype out there concerning penny stocks, and the bad rap has made many investors shy away from using penny stocks at are. But, are penny stocks dangerous to investors?

Penny stocks and investments

Penny stocks: Penny stocks are the small value shares that are generally preferred by many people for investments. These shares can easily be purchased in pennies and that’s why are preferred for investments. However the investment in penny stocks is risky as you are not aware about the nature and background of the company where you are investing your money. Therefore all the precautions must be taken before investing in penny stocks and a thorough research about the company offering penny stocks is helpful in deciding in favor or against a specific penny stock.

Penny Stock Returns

Why do people invest in penny stocks if they are so risky? The answer lies in a few facts as well as a few misconceptions about penny stocks.  First let us look at the positive side of how penny stocks can be more profitable.

Penny stock picks

Penny stock picks Penny stocks- an introduction:  If you are well aware about penny stocks and want to invest some money in penny stocks, you will be interested to know how to pick penny stocks. You will find a list of many stocks being traded at the website of pink sheets and will be interested to invest in some of the future Microsoft or Wal-Mart. This may happen only if the investor picks a right penny stock otherwise he or she may lose the amount.

Penny stocks getting started

Penny stocks getting started Introduction to Penny stocks: Penny stocks are low priced speculative stocks and these stocks are traded in over the counter (OTC) market. As per SEC (The Securities and Exchange Commission of United States) the maximum price of the penny stocks is fixed at $5.0 per share and in actual the price of these stocks are well below and sometimes a mare one cent. Although the penny stocks are commonly traded in the over the counter market, however these can also be traded at NYSE or NASDAQ.

Learning the Basics of Penny Stocks

Learning the Basics of Penny Stocks Penny stocks are stocks that are either low in value or low in the total market capitalization. The definition of penny stocks can vary a bit from one person to another. Generally, penny stocks can be understood to mean any stock that is not a major stock. The two criteria that we have set above will determine whether a stock is a penny or not based on its price and market capitalization.

Penny Stocks: Learning More About Penny Stocks

Penny Stocks: Learning More About Penny Stocks There’s so much information out there on different stocks, and advice on how to play the stock market. But which advice do you trust, and how do you know that you’re getting good advice? When it comes to learning more about penny stocks, do you know where to start?

Investing in penny stocks

Investing in penny stocks The first question is 'To invest or not invest' in penny stocks. This is largely a personal decision that reflects your risk profile. If have the capacity as well as the nature to take greater risks, you could be looking at penny stocks. If your financial position is not very strong, and you have little spare money to invest, it is better that you keep off penny stocks altogether and look at established stocks only. Similarly, even if you have a lot of money to spare but are generally averse to taking risks, it is better that you don’t invest in penny stocks. If you are the kind of person, who likes to take risks in order to increase your returns, and can afford to lose some money if it comes to that, then you could look at penny stocks. 

How you can make or lose money on penny stocks

How you can make (or lose) money on penny stocks As we have seen earlier, penny stocks carry higher risks and also can give greater returns. This actually means that you can either lose a lot of money by investing in penny stocks (because of the higher risk factor) or make a lot of money (because of the higher potential returns). Which of these happens to you will depend a lot (but not only) on how you go about assessing the investment. Before we go further, however, you should be aware that no matter how much care you may take there is a certain amount of risk associated with penny stocks, which is much higher than in the case of large cap, stock exchange registered stocks. 

Fraudulent activities in penny stocks

Fraudulent activities in penny stocks An Introduction to fraudulent activities in penny stocks: We all suffer from some kind of fraud or misappropriation of our money from cheaters many times in our life. There are few people engaged in fraud and uses various fraudulent measures to sell penny stocks to people. The Securities and Exchange Commission of United States of America seems to be inappropriate in controlling all these frauds as many fraudulent activities takes place daily. 

Advantage in trading penny stocks

Advantage in trading penny stocks Introduction: There are advantages or disadvantages with any of the stocks and similarly penny stocks have some advantages and disadvantages. Although the main disadvantage with penny stock is the risk factor associated with it, penny stocks have a number of advantages. Some of the advantages have been mentioned below.

What are penny stocks, Penny Stock,

What are penny stocks? Penny Stock: The penny stocks or shares are an investment options for those who have a small amount for investment and are willing to take risk. These stocks are generally available in very small amount and even a small investor can take a risk of investing few cents in these stocks. 

Trading of penny stocks

Trading of penny stocks Trading of penny stocks: The trading of the regular stocks is generally takes place at the various stock exchanges, however penny stocks trading generally takes place outside of the national stock exchanges such as NYSE and NASDAQ. In general penny stocks are traded in over the counter market or OTCBB and pink sheets and some of the shares are available for pennies. A few penny stocks has a huge potential to reach the better levels and even competes the regular stocks, however there is a need to correctly identify these stocks. Smaller companies whose market capitalization is below 5 million offer the penny stocks and as soon as the company grows, there is a sharp increase in the penny stock prices.

Rules on penny stocks

Rules on penny stocks Introduction to Penny Stock: The common understanding about penny stock in financial market of US is a kind of stock trading outside major stock exchanges. The major stock exchanges in US are NYSE and NASDAQ where the major stock trading takes place. For a beginner, the investment in penny stock may be a good option but at the same time he or she should understand all the related terms and the rules associated with penny stocks.

Risks in penny stock investments

Risks in penny stock investments Penny stocks: There is always a risk factor associated with every stock, however being traded at few counters, the penny stocks are little more risky. The risk factor increases if you avoid some precautions that are necessary. 

Penny Stocks: What Are Penny Stocks?

Penny Stocks: What Are Penny Stocks? If you’d like to get started in the stock market, many brokers may suggest you start with penny stocks. For several reasons, penny stocks are considered “easier” to buy than many other types of stock. But in order to buy penny stocks, you need to know what they are.

What Causes Stuttering in People?

What Causes Stuttering in People? Researchers have a variety of speculations about why stuttering or stammering occurs in some people. However, the exact cause of this speech condition is still unknown today. What researchers are sure of is that there are factors that may influence a person’s inability to speak fluently.

Vital Notes about Different Aspects of Stuttering

Vital Notes about Different Aspects of Stuttering Stuttering is considered as a kind of speech disorder that manifests through a person’s hesitation to continue what they are saying, repetition of syllables or whole words and phrases and prolongation of sounds while they are speaking. This is usually experienced by children from ages two to five because this is the stage when they are only learning to form sounds, words and complete sentences. 

Shocking and Interesting Facts about Stuttering

Shocking and Interesting Facts about Stuttering How do people usually react when they hear someone stutter? They most likely make fun of the stuttering person. And how do people usually perceive someone who stutters? Stupid, dumb, or even good for nothing. A person’s competence or personality is always judged based on how good a speaker he is. That is a sad reality for many people who tend to stutter. Whether you are among the 1 percent of the world’s population that stutters or not, it helps to know and understand the basic facts about this speech condition to put things in a better perspective. This is especially helpful for parents with children who stutter. 

Relaxation Technique in Treating Stuttering

Relaxation Technique in Treating Stuttering ...The F. M. Alexander Technique Along with varied therapies and programs designed to treat stuttering, one method is based on the premise of developing and controlling self-awareness, movement, balance, support and coordination. This is called the F.M. Alexander Technique.

Nature and Causes of Stuttering

Nature and Causes of Stuttering There is no single cause of stuttering to date. Many researchers have come out with varied results—some psychological basis and others neurological causes. There is another field that says stuttering is a homogenous disorder but this is yet to be disputed. It says that stutterers suffer from one underlying problem. Nevertheless, popular theories are based on heterogeneity of the disorder.

How to Normalization of Speech Patterns in People Who Stutter

The Normalization of Speech Patterns in People Who Stutter Michael Susca, a speech language pathologist, has presented a treatment process for stuttering. He called it the normalization of speech patterns. He believed that people whom stutter comes from a very heterogeneous group. As such, he designed a program specific only to a certain group of people who stutter, but is applicable to a wide range of age. 

Key Factors to Remember in Stuttering Therapy

Key Factors to Remember in Stuttering Therapy There are myriad of ways to treat stuttering. One should not let stuttering get in the way of their speaking and conversing with other people, especially when one needs to demonstrate emotions. A very popular treatment in stuttering is the speech therapy. This requires consulting a speech-language pathologist. However, finding the right speech-language pathologist for you is very important for they vary in expertise. Some may work perfectly with young children, while others specialize in problems associated with brain damage.

Is There a Cure for Stuttering?

Is There a Cure for Stuttering? Do you often feel embarrassed whenever your friends make fun of how you speak? For sure, you are wondering if there is any cure for stuttering. Unfortunately, no magic pill or miracle can stop this speech problem.  However, here’s the good news: there are several methods that can help you reduce your tendency to stutter. With sheer determination and commitment, you can use some of these ways to improve your speech over time. Try to be positive—for sure, your efforts will eventually pay off.

How Yoga Helps Control Stuttering

How Yoga Helps Control Stuttering Everybody knows the various health benefits of yoga. This healing system, which originated in India, is well known for its principle of ensuring the harmony of the mind and the body. This leads to yoga being an effective cure for a wide variety of ailments and health problems. However, not many people know that yoga is beneficial as well for seemingly minor bodily conditions such as stuttering and other speech disorders. 

An Integrative Approach in Treating Stuttering

An Integrative Approach in Treating Stuttering ...Generating Fluent Speech There are several speech therapies aimed at controlling or eliminating stuttering. These therapies vary from what kind of program fits the characteristic of the patient. One of these therapies is called generating fluent speech. A comprehensive speech processing approach that aims to guide people who stutter to develop a speech processing similar with normal fluent speakers. Developed by Barbara Dahm, it is a therapeutic program for stuttering developed at Communication Therapy Institute in Israel. This has been developed from her several years of experience with people who stutter. 

Foolproof Ways to Control Stuttering

Foolproof Ways to Control Stuttering An effective speaker is someone who can speak fluently without any trace of mumbling, rattling, and stuttering. If you speak well, people perceive you as a smart, charismatic person. On the other hand, if you often stutter and cannot express yourself clearly when you speak, people see you as an incompetent and weak person. Between the two kinds of speakers, which would you rather be? Of course, anyone would choose to be a fluent speaker.

Essential Ideas about Stuttering in Children

Essential Ideas about Stuttering in Children Every parent wants to catch the first words of their children. They are eagerly waiting for the time that their kids can finally talk and express what they want to say through words. It is only normal to feel a bit warned and problematic after learning that they are finding it hard to speak when they are already at the right age. Stuttering is common to younger ones like those in preschool. How would you know that the condition should already be referred to a professional? 

Easy to Follow Tips to Get Rid of Stuttering

Easy to Follow Tips to Get Rid of Stuttering Before you hide yourself from the world because you are finding it hard to connect with other people, you must look at the case and help yourself overcome the problem. This is the usual dilemma of adults who have stuttering problems. They fear that others might laugh at them and won’t mind what they are saying, so they choose to back out and lessen their exposure with lots of people. If you can relate with the situation, you must bear in mind that nothing can be achieved if you won’t do anything about it or if you will run away from it all. You must first try to help yourself and seek a professional’s help if the case is already becoming a heavy burden.

Basic Guide about Stuttering for Parents

Basic Guide about Stuttering for Parents For parents who are worried about their children who are stuttering, you just have to bear in mind that this is only a phase that they are going through. It may alleviate your feelings to know that about 5% of children in preschool stutter. This phase is referred to as pseudostuttering or developmental dysfluency, which they will eventually outgrow. This may arise from various reasons, the most common of which is the fact that at this point, they are eagerly learning how to talk.

Anti-Stuttering Tips: How to Stop Stuttering

Anti-Stuttering Tips: How to Stop Stuttering More than three million Americans stutter. Stuttering occurs normally in children during their speech development years. However, if you’re an adult and you still stutter, then you’ve got to do something about it before your life becomes a total disaster. 

A Stuttering Modification Process

A Stuttering Modification Process It is an intensive interval therapy program for people who stutter. First conducted in 1987 Germany, this therapy program was named after Van Riper from whom it took several of its basic underlying principles of treatment. It is called the Van Riper Program as Intensive Interval Therapy. It is called interval because of its block schedule system—a five-day duration of segments with six to eight weeks between the segments. It is called intensive because of its long period of session during segments—about eight hours a day.

Various Treatment Options for Stuttering in Adults

Various Treatment Options for Stuttering in Adults Stuttering is an impediment to normal, fluent speech. It is a complex set of speech behaviors that include repetition of sounds or syllables, hesitation, and difficulty pronouncing a word or group of words.  If you always find your words stuck at the tip of your tongue, you are not alone. More than three million Americans suffer from this speech difficulty. For sure, you know how hard it is to cope with the condition, not to mention the mocking reaction of others whenever they hear stutters in a speech. 

Types of Assistive Devices for Treating Stuttering

Types of Assistive Devices for Treating Stuttering The use of devise to control or cure stutter is just another method from the myriad of choices. But the use of devise isn’t a new invention that came with the dawn of technological advancement. Even before the time of Christ, famous Greek orator and stutterer Demosthenes practiced orating with pebbles in his mouth, sometimes with loud background noise, or while climbing steep hills.

Treatments for Stuttering in Children

Treatments for Stuttering in Children Worried about your child who seem not to outgrow his or her stuttering? Also called stammering, this speech condition have symptoms that include repetition of a word, syllable, or sound while speaking. It also involves trouble starting to speak a word, phrase or sentence. Other symptoms of stuttering include trembling of the jaw or lips, quick and repetitive blinking of the eyes, and tightness or tension of the face and upper part of the body. If your son or daughter suffers from these symptoms, it may be a sign that your kid has failed to outgrow that speech difficulty. 

The Way to Stuttering Therapy through Telemedicine

This advanced method of treating stuttering is still young, but studies have continually emerged through time. This “remote” treatment of stuttering uses the low cost video conferencing. Video conferencing is the amalgam of audio, video, and communication network technologies for real-time interaction. Like the schools where students participate in distance education, the telemedicine uses electronic signals to transfer medical data from one site to another. This method is growing and being used by many health care providers.