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Syllabus for English Lecturer Assistant Professor for First Grade College 2015

Subject: ENGLISH
I British Literature
• Chaucer – Prologue to Canterbury Tales
• Rise of the drama – Mystery, Miracle, Morality plays
• Elizabethan and Jacobean Eras [1558-1625]
o Edmond Spenser’s Amoretti, Sonnets (1,3,22,67,68,74,75,79,81)
o Sir Phillip Sidney’s Astrophel and Stella, Sonnets (6,7,14,23,24,31,64,92)
o Elizabethan Theatre
o Shakespeare – Tragedies, Historical plays, Comedies,
 Sonnets (3, 16, 17, 19, 20, 27, 30, 35, 42, 54, 65, 73, 80, 94, 116, 130)
o Christopher Marlow – Dr. Faustus
o Ben Jonson – Volpone
o Francis Bacon – Essays
o John Donne
o George Herbert
o Robert Herrick
• Caroline Period [1625—1660]
o Andrew Marvell, Henry Vaughan
o Milton – Paradise Lost & minor poems
• The Neo—Classical Period [1660—1798]
The Restoration
o John Dryden – Mac Flecknoe
o John Bunyan – The Pilgrim’s Progress
o Congreve –The Way of the World
o Sheridan – The Rivals
Augustan Age
o Alexander Pope – The Rape of the Lock, An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot, Belinda’s Toilet
o Jonathan Swift – Gulliver’s Travels
o Joseph Addison and Richard Steele – Essays
The Age of Sensibility
o James Boswell—The Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson
o Henry Fielding – The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling
o Daniel Defoe – Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders
o Oliver Goldsmith—The Citizen of the World
o Thomas Gray - Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 2
Age of Transition
o William Blake – Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience, A Poison Tree
• 19TH Century – Age of Romantics[1798—1837]
o Socio cultural & intellectual contexts, Philosophy & Aesthetics of Romanticism
o Wordsworth - Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, Lucy poems,
Ode: Intimations of Immortality, Daffodils
o S. T. Coleridge : The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan, Frost at Midnight
o Lord Byron – Don Juan
o P. B.Shelley – Ode to the Westwind, To a Skylark, The Cloud, Ozymandias, Adonais
o John Keats – Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode to Autumn
o Jane Austen – Emma, Pride and Prejudice
o Emily Bronte – Wuthering Heights
o Mary Wollstonecraft - A Vindication on Rights of a Woman
• Victorian Age [1837—1900]
o Religion, Science & Technology in the Victorian England. Victorian ethos,
complacency, despondency, prudence
o Alfred Lord Tennyson – Ulysses, Lotus Eaters, Break, Break, Break
o Robert Browning – My Last Duchess, Andrea del Sarto
o Matthew Arnold – Dover Beach, Culture and Anarchy – Sweetness and Light
o G. M. Hopkins – The Wreck of the Deutschland, Sonnets
o George Eliot – Silas Marner, Mill on the Floss
o Thomas Hardy – The Mayor of Casterbridge, Jude the Obscure
o Charles Dickens – Hard Times, A Tale of Two Cities
o Charles Lamb – Essays
o Charlotte Bronte – Jane Eyre
• Modern Age
o Socio-cultural and intellectual background of the 20th century
o W. B.Yeats – A Prayer for My Daughter, The Second Coming, 1919, Byzantium
poems, Leda and the Swan, Easter 1916
o T. S. Eliot – The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The Waste Land, The Journey of
the Magi, Four Quartets
o W. H. Auden – The Unknown Citizen, The Shield of Achilles, In Memory of W.
o Wilfred Owen – Insensibility, Strange Meeting
o Dylan Thomas, Ted Hues, Phillip Larkin, Sylvia Plath
o D. H. Lawrence – Women in Love, Sons and Lovers
o Joseph Conrad – Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim
o James Joyce – Ulysses 3
o William Golding - Lord of the Flies
o T. S. Eliot – Family Reunion, Murder in the Cathedral
o G. B. Shaw – Major Barbara, The Apple Cart
o John Osborne – Look Back in Anger
o Harold Pinter – The Birthday Party
o John Galsworthy – Loyalties
o Virginia Woolf – To the Lighthouse
II Indian Writing in English
History, Later History and debates of IEL
• Sri Aurobindo – Last poems
• Toru Dutt –Our Casuarina Tree, Jogadhya Uma, Laxman, Seetha
• Rabindranath Tagore – Gitanjali
• Sarojini Naidu – Sins of Love, Coromandel Fishers
• A. K. Ramanujan – Love Poem for a Wife, Obituary, River, Small scale Reflections
on a Great House
• Nissim Ezekial – Background, Casually; A Very Indian Poem in Indian English,
Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa.T.S., Enterprise, Poet, Lover, Birdwatcher
• Kamala Das – An Introduction, The Old Playhouse
• Jayanta Mahapatra - Hunger, Grandfather, Dhauli
• Arun Kolatkar - Jejuri poems
• Eunice D Souza – Women in Dutch Paintings, Feeding the Poor
• Rabindranath Tagore – The Home and the World
• Raja Rao – Kanthapura, The Serpent and the Rope
• R. K. Narayan – The Guide, The Financial Expert, The Man-Eater of Algoid
• Mulch Raj Anand – The Untouchable, Coolie
• Amitav Ghosh – The Shadow Lines, In an Antique Land
• Arundathi Roy – The God of Small Things
• Shashi Deshpande - A Matter of Time
• Amrita Preetam – Pinjar
• Salman Rushdie – Midnight’s Children
• M. K.Gandhi – My Experiments with Truth
• Nirad Chaudhuri – The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian
• Rabindranath Tagore - Red Oleanders
• Girish Karnad – Hayavadana, Tughlaq
• Mahesh Dattani – Final Solutions, Dance Like a Man, Mango Souffle 4
III American Literature
• Puritanism, Transcendentalism, Harlem Renaissance, Notions of American culture and
American Dream, Civil Rights Movement
• Life of Frederick Douglass
• Nathaniel Hawthorne – The Scarlet Letter
• Herman Melville – Moby Dick
• Mark Twain – Huckleberry Finn
• Hemmingway – The Old Man and the Sea
• John Steinbeck – The Grapes of Wrath
• J. D. Salinger – The Catcher in the Rye
• Saul Bellow – Herzog
• Emily Dickinson – Because I Couldn’t Stop for Death, The Soul Selects Her Own
• Walt Whitman – O Captain! My Captain! , Brahma, I Sing the Body Electric
• Robert Frost – Mending Wall, Birches, Fire and Ice, The Road Not Taken, Stopping by
Woods on a Snowy Evening
• Wallace Stevens – The Emperor of Ice Cream, A Jar in Tennessee, Of Modern Poetry
• Arthur Miller – Death of a Salesman, All My Sons
• Tennessee Williams – The Glass Menagerie
• Eugene O’Neill – Long Day’s Journey into Night, Desire Under the Elms, The Hairy
• Edward Albee – The Zoo Story, Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
• Henry David Thoreau – Walden, Civil Disobedience
• Emerson – The American Scholar, Nature
• James Baldwin – Collected Essays
• Toni Morrison – Beloved, The Bluest Eyes
• Joseph Heller – Catch 22
• Langston Hughes—The Negro Speaks of Rivers, The Negro Mother, As I grew older
• Sylvia Plath—Lady Lazarus, Daddy, Mirror
IV New Literatures
• Chinua Achebe – Things Fall Apart
• Wole Soyinka – The Interpreters
• Gabriel Okara – Piano and Drums, You Laughed and Laughed and Laughed
• A. D. Hope – Australia,The Death of the Bird.
• Judith Wright – Half a Lifetime
• Patrick White – Voss, A Fringe of Leaves, The Tree of Man 5
• Margaret Atwood – Surfacing
• A. J. M. Smith – The Lonely Land
West Indies
• V. S. Naipaul – A House for Mr. Biswas
• Derek Walcott – A Far Cry from Africa, Almond Trees, Ruins of a Great House.
V Gender Studies
Key Concepts – Gender, sexuality, sexual differences, The other body, Desire,
Patriarchy, Gender stereotypes, Language and representation, Gyno-criticism, Gender
and language
• Virginia Woolf—A Room of One’s Own
• Simone de Beauvoir – Introduction to The Second Sex
• Kate Millet – Sexual Politics
• Helene Cixous—The Laugh of the Medusa
• Susie Tharu & Tejaswini Niranjana – Problems for a contemporary theory of genders
• Shashi Deshpande—The Stone Woman
• Ismat Chugtai—The Veil, The Quilt
• Maha Shwetha Devi—Draupadi
• Ambai —A Kitchen in the Corner of the House
• Vaidehi—Akku
• Jaya Prabha—Chupulu
• Anupama Niranjana—The Incident and After
VI Literary Theory and Criticism
Classical Texts
• Plato – The Republic
• Aristotle – The Poetics
• Longinus – On the Sublime
• Phillip Sidney – An Apology for Poetry
• Samuel Johnson – Preface to Shakespeare
• John Dryden – An Essay on Dramatic Poesy
Modern Texts
• William Wordsworth – Preface to Lyrical Ballads
• Coleridge - Biographia Literaria
• Matthew Arnold – The Function of Criticism
• P. B.Shelley – A Defence of Poetry, Study of Poetry
• Eliot – Tradition and Individual Talent 6
• Cleanth Brooks – Language of Paradox
• F. R. Leavis – Revaluation, The Great Tradition
• Basic concepts of Structuralism, Post—Structuralism and Deconstruction,
Postmodernism, Psychoanalytic criticism, Marxist criticism, New historicism and
cultural materialism, Postcolonial criticism, Stylistics, Narratology, and
VII Modern Linguistics
• Human language and other systems of communication
• Language variation – dialect and idiolect and style
• Speech and Writing
• Phonology
• Morphology
• Syntax
1. K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar – Indian Writings in English.
2. N. K. Naik – Critical Essays in Indian Writing in English
3. David Daiches – A Critical History of English Literature (04 Volumes)
4. Boris Ford (Edited) – Pelican Guide to English Literature (08 Volumes)
5. Herbert Grierson - Meta Physical Poets
6. Arnold Kettle – The English Novel (02 Volumes)
7. A. C. Bradley – Shakespearean Tragedy
8. F. R. Leavis – The Common Pursuit
9. New Bearings in English Poetry
10. E. M. Foster – Aspects of the Novel
11. Bill Ashcroft (Edited) – Key Concepts in Critical Theory, Routledge, London
12. Boris Ford – The New Pelican Guide to English Literature (Volume 09)
13. Daniel Boorstin – The Americans – The Colonial Experience (Volume – 1)
The Americans – The National Experience (Volume – 2)
 The Image (Volume - 3)
14. Peter Barry – Beginning Theory – An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory
15. Judith Wright – Pre occupations in Australian Literature
16. Margaret Atwood – Survival; A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature
17. Marcus Cunliffe - History of Literature of United States
18. Griel Marcus - A New Literary History of America, Harvard Univ Press
19. Patricia Waugh - Literary Theory, OUP
20. Peter Barry - Beginning Theory, Viva Publications
21. Bruce King - New Literatures in English, OUP
22. Edward Said - Orientalism
23. Homi Bhabha - Location of Culture
24. F.P.Dinneen – An Introduction to General Linguistics
Nina Baym (ed) – Northern Anthology of American Literature.



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