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Showing posts from November, 2014

Speech on 15th August in Urdu

عزت مآب صدراجلاس ، مہمان خصوصی، قابل قدر اساتذہ، اولیائے طلبہ اور میرے پیارےساتھیو اسلام علیکم! سب سے پہلے تو میں آپ تمام کویوم آزادی کی مبارکباد پیش کرتی ہوں۔ جیسا کہ آپ جانتے ہیں ۔۔کہ ہم آج یہاں ۔۔ یوم آزادی کا جشن منانے جمع ہوئے ہیں۔ یہ 67 واں جشن یوم آزادی ہے۔ آج ہی کے دن ہم نے 1947ء کو انگریزوں سے اپنے ملک کو آزاد کروایا تھا۔1947ء کو آج ہی کے دن جواہر لال نہرو نے پارلیمنٹ میں دستور ساز اسمبلی سے خطاب کیا تھا کہ آج ہمارا ملک ہندوستان برطانوی ظلم اور تسلط سے آزاد ہوا ہے ۔ اس ملک کی آزادی میں بہت سارے لوگ شامل ہیں، بلا تفریق مذہب و ملت لوگوں نے اپنی جانیں گنوائی ہیں۔اگر میں کسی ایک دو کا نام لوں تو دوسروں کے ساتھ نا انصافی ہوگی۔ بہرحال جونام ہمیں زبان زد ہیں جن کو ہم ہر سال آج ہی کے دن خراج تحسین پیش کرتے ہیں  وہ ہیں ٹیپو سلطان ،مہاتما گاندھی، جواہر لال نہرو، بال گنگا دھر تلک، سروجنی نائیڈو وغیرہ۔ اب سوال یہ ہے کہ کیا ہم حقیقت میں آزاد ہیں؟   میرا خیال ہے کہ ہم آزاد نہیں ہیں۔ہم نے انگریزوں سے تو پیچھاچھڑا یاہے لیکن اپنی روایات، اپنی جماعت بندی، فرقہ بن


SYLLABUS FOR PRINCIPALS IN MINORITY MORARJI DESAI RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS The Examination shall be in the form of Objective Multiple Choice consisting of 2 Written Papers carrying 200 marks each namely: 1. Paper 1:- General Paper - 200 Marks 2. Paper 2:- Specific Paper - 200 Marks Syllabus for Paper-1: General Paper 200 Marks As Per Rules Syllabus for Paper 2:- Specific Paper 1) Role of Principal/Head of the Educational Institution as an Administrator, Academic Leader and Leader for the Development of the Institution. 2) Class room organization and Management, Physical facilities in a school, school environment teacher role Leadership style of head master and its influence on teacher role performance. Mechanisms for coordinated functioning in school. 3) School and Community - Quantitative and qualitative development in education. 4) Constitutional provisions–Fundamental Rights, Duties and directive principles for education in Indian Constitution. 5) Child developmen

Syllabus for Craft Teacher

Syllabus for Craft Teacher • History of Art, Art of Foreign Countries, Art Appreciation, Applied Art and Languages Creative Art. • Theory of Arts, Methods and Materials • Free hand drawing, Print Making, Graphics, Computer Graphics. • Basic Principals of Design, Serigraphy, Sculpture, Dress Design, Commercial Art, Screen Printing, Collage, Cartoons, Paintings. • Wood Craft, Embroidery Knitting, Tailoring, Clay work, Pottery, Plaster Work, Model making, Paper Mache, Batile (Cloth & Leather) Basket Weaving, Toy Making. • Minority Directorate Schemes – Pre Matric, Post Matric, Merit-Cum-Means & Overseas Scholarship, Remedial Coaching, Incentives, Pre Matric and Post Matric Hostels & Moraji Desai Residential Schools.

Syllabus for Computer Teacher Computer Fundamentals and C Programming

Syllabus for Computer Teacher Computer Fundamentals and C Programming • Introduction to C Programming: History of C, Structure of C programme. The C character set, Contents, Variables and keywords, Types of contents and variables. • Arrays One dimensional and multidimensional array, declaration, initialization and array manipulations, sorting (Bubble sort) Strings-Basic concepts, Library functions. • Functions Definition, function definition and prototyping, types of functions, types of arguments, recursions, passing arrays to functions, storage class in C-automatic, register, external and static variables. • Pointers Definition, arrays of pointers and functions-call by value and call by reference. • Structures and Unions Definitions, declaration, accessing structure elements, unions- definition, declaration, accessing union elements, typed of, Enum Bit fields. • Bitwise Operators Bitwise, Compliment, right shift and left shift operators. • C Pre-proces

Syllabus for Physical Education Teacher in Morarji Desai

Syllabus for Physical Education Teacher: Scientific foundation of Physical Education, History of Physical Education, Anatomy, Physiology, Health Education, deitetics, Safety Education and First Aid, Organisation and Administration in physical Education, Tests and measurements in physical Education, Psychological principles in Physical Education, Major Games and Sports- Principles of officiating in major games like Foot ball, Hockey, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Basketball, Volleyball, T.T. Shuttle Badminton, Cricket, Recreation and Camping and minor games, Yoga, Individual Special Activities, National Ideals, Integration, Sports Current affairs. Minority Directorate Schemes - Pre Matric, Post Matric, Merit Cum Means & Overseas Scholarship, Remedial Coaching Incentives, Pre Matric and Post Matric Hostels and Morarji Desai Residential School.

Syllabus for Social Science Teacher

Syllabus for Social Science Teacher HISTORY: Medieval India, Religious & Social reform movements, Delhi sultans, Bhakthi movement, Vijayanagar empire, Bahamani Sulthans, Great mughals, Marathas, Renaissance, Reformation, Geographical discoveries, foreign invasion, Rise of English, Mysore sulthans, Wodeyars of Mysore, First war of Independence, National movement —Gandhian Era & partition & Independence, Geographical features on history, Prehistoric period, Ancient civilizations , Vedic age, Birth of new religions, Mauryans, Kushans, Gupthas, Vardhana dynasty, Southern dynasties, Rise of Christianity & Islam,Mediaval Europe, Rajputs, Rise of Revolutions & equality, Constitution development in India, Modern world — First & Second World war, Contemporary world CIVICS Constitution of India -Features, Fundamental Rights, Duties, Directive Principal of State Policy, union and State Government, Democracy, Local Self government, Centre-State relation,

Syllabus for General Science Teacher

Syllabus for General Science Teacher CHEMISTRY: 1)   CHEMISTRY: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY : Atomic structure, periodic table, chemical bonding, metallurgy, d-block elements, f- block elements, co-  ordination chemistry, industrial chemistry, analytical chemistry 2)   PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY: Gases, Colloids, Surface Chemistry,  Thermodynamics, Nuclear Chemistry, Electro Chemistry, Indicators. 3) ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes – IUPAC nomenclature, Isomerism, Functional groups Aromaticity, Vitamins, Hormones, Alkaloids, Carbohydrates BIOLOGY: Living World, Cytology, Micro Organisms, Life Processes, Food Production & Management, Environmental Science, NON – CHORDATA PHYLUM: Protozoa, Porifera, Cnidaria, Acnidaria, tyhelminthes, Aschelminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata CHORDATA Characteristic features of chordata. Outline classification and Identifying features of Prochordata (Urochordata, Hemichordata and ephalchordata) and vertebrata

Syllabus for Hindi Teacher

Syllabus for Hindi Teacher 1.Bhasha Vignan 2. Sahityaka Ithihas a) Adikal b) Bhakthikal c) Reetikal d) Adhunik kal(Gadhya ) e) Adhunik Kal(Padhya] 3.Hindi Vyakarana.  4. Minority Directorate Schemes – Pre Matric, Post Matric, Merit-Cum-Means & Overseas Scholarship, Remedial Coaching, Incentives, Pre Matric and Post Martic Hostels & Moraji Desai Residential Schools.

Syllabus for English Language Teacher Morarji Desai School

Syllabus for English Language Teacher ENGLISH : Pronunciation, Spelling, Parts of Speech, Time and Tense, Modals, Prepositions, Articles, Phrasal Verbs, Reported Speech, Agreement, Grammar and Usage, Functional English, Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms and Phrases, Prefixes and Suffixes, Error Detection, Comprehension, Cloze, Shuffling Sentence Parts, Shuffling sentences in Paragraphs, Vocabulary Enhancement, Testing and Evaluation, Methods/Techniques, ELT Terms Minority Directorate Schemes – Pre Matric, Post Matric, Merit-Cum-Means & Overseas Scholarship, Remedial Coaching, Incentives, Pre Matric and Post Matric Hostels & Moraji Desai Residential Schools.

Syllabus for Mathematic Teacher for morarji desai

Syllabus for Mathematic Teacher PHYSICS: Mechanics, Properties of matter, Heat and Thermodynamics Waves, Sound, Light, Optics, Electricity and Magnetism, Electronics and modern physics Theory of active and passive networks and devices, filters, power supply. Digital electronics. Atomic Spectroscopy, Atomic structure, charge, mass and e/m. Molecular spectra, Lasers and masers. X-rays and crystal structure. Free electronic theory, semiconductors-Band theory. Magnetic materials. Quantum mechanics:- Wave mechanics, matter waves, Eigen functions, Schrödinger wave function. Special theory of relativity, Lorentz contraction, time dilation, Doppler effect, Ultimate speed. Aberration, variation of mass. Properties of nucleus, detectors, accelerators, nuclear decays, Nuclear models, Fission and Fusion, Nuclear reactions- binding energy, Cosmic rays, fundamental particles. MATHEMATICS: Numbers and Numerals-Number systems, Number sets, Basic operations, Properties, Square numbers and S

Syllabus for Computer Assistant for Murarji Desai School

SYLLABUS FOR THE POST OF FIRST DIVISION COMPUTER ASSISTANT IN MORARJI DESAI RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS PAPER-Il SPECIFIC PAPER 1) Introduction to Computers- Basic Terms: • Disk Drives, Hardware, Installation of Hardware and Softwares, Programming Languages, Operating System. • Knowledge of Internet, Sending Mails, Downloads, Searching etc., • Networking, Knowledge of LAN, WAN. • Maintenance of Files, Database & Hardware Components. 2) Constitutional protection, Reservation & Provisions • Reservation System & Classification in Karnataka. 3) Schemes of Minority Directorate • Directorate — Pre Matric & Post Matric Hostels. • Minority Moraraji Desai Residential School. • Pre Matric, Post Matric, Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship & National Overseas Scholarship Schemes. • Incentives & Remedial Coaching. 4) Sarvasikshana Abhiyana (SSA), Madhyamika Sikshana Abhiyana, Right to Education (R. T.E) 5) Fundamentals of Record &