Dr. Ghazanfar
Iqbal – A versatile being
(Mujtaba Najam, Georai, Beed, Maharashtra )

It is my pleasure that Ghazanfar entered into my friend
circle when we were knocking the door of adolescence. We were just about to be called
‘teenager’. It is the turning point of
life. Psychologists call this point as
‘the period of storm and stress’. At
this age, I always used to come across different articles, and critical
analysis of various literary wings.
There was a magnetism in his writings.
Very soon we met and became close friends. We used to discuss on literary issues for
hours. His deep study and broad vision
inspired me a lot. Actually, at this
stage of life, teenagers discuss on love, movies and such other points of
interests. But having the dialogue on
Urdu novel, short stories, poetic scenario etc sound something strange!
Literary knowledge demands deep reading. Ghazanfar always gives priority to constant
reading. He not only turned out the pages of books, jolted down the key points
but always tried to meet the writers, novelists personally.
Dr. Ghazanfar Iqbal is highly influenced by the
distinguished literary work and guidance of his father, an eminent Urdu short
novel writer (Afsana Nigar) Prof. Hameed Soherwardi. It is the significant literary work of Prof.
Hameed Soherwardi that stimulated Ghazanfar migrated to Gulbarga where he got healthy camouflage.
Ghazanfar kept an eye on the varying scenario in the
world of “Urdu Afsana’. He analyzed it
in slucid way and tried to collect every detail about Urdu Afsane which took a
turn after 1980. His great pains of
gathering the information appeared on the literary screen in the form of a
constructive, significant, valuable document entitled “Urdu Afsane – 1980 ke
Baad” (Urdu Short Stories – after 1980).
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University conferred on him the degree
‘Doctor of Philosophy’ appreciating his significant collection. He tried to
cover each and every constituent of Urdu Afsana in this book.
Prof. Ateequllah gives very right opinion;
successfully analyzed the various aspects of Urdu Afsana that appeared after
1980. He did so in the light of
different issues. The possibilities in
literature mentioned in the book are based on facts”.
This book made him appear as a
budding Urdu writer and keen observer.
It also motivated him to touch many other literary issues besides Urdu
novel, short stories.
Ghazanfar Iqbal has healthy
attachment with journalism too. He has
journalistic eye. His eyes are always
alert at any change in surrounding.
Ghazanfar emphasizes on interviews so that the fruitful interaction may
be made possible. He has understood a
number of eminent writers through interviews.
The fir4st produce of eminent writers through interviews. The first product of his journalistic efforts
came out in the form of his book entitle “Urdu Book Review Ke Idariyo Ke
Tanqeed Wa Tabsre”. In this book, he analysed the editorials published in Urdu
Book Review. This book provided him a
distinct identification as a journalist.
Ghazanfar did not arrest his
work within the boundaries of ‘Pen-work’.
He came forward and interacted with the writers and conducted positive
interviews with positive productivity.
He collected the distinguished interviews and published as a document
entitled ‘Ankahi Baatein’ (Untold words).
Actually the title of the book sounds something strange because in the
book, there are a number of interviews with number of writers. And still, the creator of book calls it as
untold”! It expresses the broad horizon of thoughts. “Ankahi Baatein” is the collection of
Ghazanfar’s publication
“Maani-e-Mazmoon” is the collection of different article on different literary
issues. Manzoor Waqar writes;
is carrying out a difficult task of collecting distinguished articles with
alertness and meaningful silence. He is
conquering a series of forts without wars and shading blood”.
Waqar, Mani-e-Mazmoon, Pg. No. 16, Translated Part)
In addition, Ghazanfar also
published a collection of Urdu poems by different poets on the same topic
entitled ‘Sifar Baar-e-Dosh’. It got
huge appreciation.
We hope Ghazanfar shall keep
moving forward till he touches the peak of success.
(Mujtaba Najam, Georai, Beed, Maharashtra )
‘Mani-e-Mazmoon’ is the
collection of Urdu articles which is the product of hardships of Dr. Ghazanfar
Ghazanfar Iqbal has a vigilant
eye to look into the spirit of literary aspect in Urdu novel, short stories,
and also the critical analysis. The book
under discuss in a very significant book for the readers of every interest in
literature. The book consists of 23
articles. These articles are classified
into total four chapters.
The first chapter deals with
the history and development of ‘Urdu Afsana’.
Different aspects of Urdu Afsana.
Ghazanfar did justice with the literary creations in every era. He threw light on the literature in 9th
decade and also he analysed successfully the literary beauty of Premchand and
Firaq. Very few people know that Firaq
Gorkhpuri has written prose too. This
important information was provided by Ghazanfar Iqbal in this book.
Chapter III discusses the Art
and Artists. The introduction of Hali, Shaikh Saadi, Amir Khusro, M. Azad and
their literary efforts are focused in this section.
Chapter III is about the
importance of books, and magazines in media.
Chapter IV is the miscellaneous
section in which a deep critic articles are included. Overall,Ghazanfar touched every corner of the
literature. This collection may prove
itself as a guide book for the readers of every age, and school of
thought. I wish him a great success in
the journey of literature.
Ankahi Baatein
(Mujtaba Najam, Georai, Beed, Maharashtra )
Interview is an art by which one can understand each other. The interests, efforts, ideology, can be
known through this art. Having an
interview is not so simple work as it sounds.
One who is taking interview must be aware of the depth of the topic he
wants to put forth the interviewee.
Interview on the literary topic is more complicated and so called
‘Risky’ job as the ideology of every literary person goes on changing. The ideology of writer and that of a critic
are always different, sometime controversial.
At this time, on who is taking interview to be able of balancing
both. Dr. Ghazanfar Iqbal is not the
writer limited to pen and paper. He is a
practical person. He not only reads out
the books and accepts blindly the content but personally he approaches t the
writer of that book and get extract of the creation.
His recent book entitled ‘Ankahi Baatein” is the live
example of Ghazanfar’s literary interests.
In this book, Ghazanfar selected few of the interviews with eminent Urdu
writers and poets. The content of book
is classified into four sections. First
Section deals with fiction, second with both prose and poetry, third section is
about criticism and research while the last section is about journalism. In short, Ghazanfar gave justice to every
wring of literature.
In interview, many important points are tried to cover
up from the respective person. It shall
definitely provide guidelines to the reader and will help to improve the
knowledge in every sense. The task
deserves appreciation and blessings for going ahead.
Few Lines by Eminent writers
“At last Dr. Ghaznfar Iqbal has reached at the crowd of
inspiring and acquainted writers. He
covered this path with great enthusiasm, satisfaction and the spirit of own
confidence. Now, he is busy in
communicating with the short story writers of the same period. This communication is so energetic as if
there is a very long term acquaintance.
Ghazanfar’s literary analysis itself says that he has studied the
budding writers in depth.
After going through the literary document “Urdu Afsane –
1980 Ke Baad, a reader will to communicate with the budding writers. Perhaps, Ghazanfar has accepted the
responsibility of analyzing and publishing the book of opening the doors of
communication between readers and budding short-story (Afsana) writers.”
“I got quite pleasure to know that you are the son f Mr.
Hameed Soherwardi. I received your book ‘Urdu Afsana – 1980 Ke Baad’ before few
months. Your deep analysis is really
appreciable. Hope you shall continue the
literary inheritance. My best wishes are
always with you’.
“Your literary document “Urdu Afsana – 1980 Ke Baad’
seems to be any publication in western country.
The way of expression is too simple and captivating. You did a great favour by mentioning me yn
your book. Overall your literally effort
deserves appreciation”.
“Received your book “Urdu Afsana – 1980 Ke Baad. Heart-rooted thanks for this beautiful
gift. You have got success in gathering
the constructive elements of criticism and research in course of Urdu short
story (Afsana). You not only gathered
the material but got benefitted a lot from the same. Go ahead.
Best wishes.
“Received the pre-publication document of ‘Urdu Afsane –
1980 Ke Baad’. It really pleased
me. You tried successfully to examine
carefully the literary morphology of examine carefully the literary morphology
of comparatively new and budding Urdu novelists. They way you judged the works of artists and
understood their distinguished literary school of thoughts is of course
“In his literary document, Ghazanfar has proved to be
fully aware of every circumstance in the literary scenario. He successfully analysed in the light of
different subjects which is considered as the characteristic feature of youth. He has the special literary sense of Urdu
short novel (Afsane). Of course,
Ghazanfar got this dynamism as a part of inheritance”.
“Ghazanfar marks his astonishing appearance in the world
of Urdu criticism through ‘Urdu Afsana – 1980 Ke Baad”. He has the healthy social history that can as
a part of new historicism. It is an
initial effort in the direction of scanning the eastern & western
geographical philosophy. This effort
deserves appreciation.”
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