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Showing posts from November, 2009


An Insurance consultant can sell his product easily by practicing this mantras. 6 Questions and 7 Habits • Insurance is no Rocket science • It is least effected by any Downturn • The need existed during World War, Greatest Economic Depression and exists now....

Article on Beggary

Country like India where the population is very high, Beggary has become common for the peoples; some people have taken it as a profession for their living. We find it more in cities (especially in metro cities) comparing to village. Who is beggar? A person who is begging for food or money we call him a beggar. Why people become a beggar? The physical handicap persons who cant do any work to fulfill their stomach they start begging. But those people who are physically fit, if they start begging it’s a very shameful thing, because of their laziness they don’t do any work for their living & start begging and from their begging, they encourage other people to beg as a very light or without work a part time job. We the people of India the most traditional and devotional people in the name of Dharma and Punya use to distribute food and money to these people. Now who is responsible for such a social evil growing day by day in our society? The lazy persons or we the traditio

Human Resource Management

Human resource Management Human resource management deals with the management of people in an organization it is assessed and accepted that Human resource are the main components of an organization and the human or failure of an organization depends on how effectively this components is managed. This is the concept, which is integrated and involving the entire human force of that organization to work together with a sense of common purpose that how to be infused to the organization. Human resource management is dedicated to develop a suitable corporate, culture programs or design and implement to reflect core values, of the enterprise., "Human resource management is proactive rather than waiting to be told what to do about recruiting, payments or training the people "Human resource………… Management is related to the continues process of man power planning selection performance appraisal, administration, training and development. Human resource management always is de